Our ​‘Love for Learning’curriculum

 Tweendykes aims to provide a stimulating, challenging and enjoyable educational environment. Each pupil will be encouraged to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes, confidence and self-esteem necessary to overcome their barriers to learning and meet the challenge of adult life.  This is achieved through our ‘Love for Learning’ curriculum that is both balanced and relevant to the needs of the individual pupil experiencing a wide range of learning difficulties.​

The starting point for curriculum planning is the pupils’ Education and Health Care Plans. The balance of subjects and activities is created through careful planning to ensure each pupil receives the provision they need.

 Engagement is the key!

We strive to provide a curriculum and daily lessons that fully engage our pupils. ​

For children and young people with complex learning difficulties, sustainable learning can occur only when there is meaningful engagement. This approach is underpinned by research.​