Multi-agency working​

Across all phases of the school, we work proactively with other agencies to ensure the needs of our pupils are met. At all times school staff will ensure open systems of communication, provide opportunities for meeting time, and will act on the advice of professionals to improve the education offer for our pupils. ​

Educational psychology​

The school has a close relationship with the Local Authority Educational Psychologists. Regular meetings are in place to discuss pupils’ learning needs.​


Speech and Language therapy​

Tweendykes has developed a highly collaborative approach with the NHS speech and language therapists, who work closely with the school’s Communication and Interaction Team (CAIT) to assess, plan and deliver packages of support. ​


Physiotherapy & ​Occupational therapy & Sensory integration therapist​​

The school works closely with physiotherapists and occupational therapists, who are often in school, getting to know the pupils and advising class teams on programmes of support.​

Tweendykes commissions a sensory integration therapist to advise and oversee the sensory support work completed by the school.​


School & community nursing​

​The school has full time support of a school nurse (from CHCP) and nursing assistant.​

The nursing staff support all pupils with medical and health care needs on a daily basis.​